
Monday, August 24, 2009

Weekly summary - 101th week

It is 101th week in Propecia. It is 101th week with you and writing this blog. I have been writing this blog every week even I am very busy. I tried to make it a habit to report my condition and remind myself my hair condition after hectic day in works. When time passed, sometimes the motivation will go away. I do not want my motivation to save my hair go away.
Thanks for my readers who leave the comments in my 100th post. Thanks for your information. The technology of stem cell in fighting hair loss I have heard of it before. However, we do not know how much the hairs are still with me in 2015. So, still with Propecia to maintain my hair as much as I can.
I have stop splitting my propecia in to half and consume it everyday. I have taking 1mg every alternate day. When I consume on Monday, I will just stop on Tuesday and taking again on Wednesday. Till now, my body seems like OK with it. Libido never worse than when I consume 0.5mg everyday.
For those who want to post their hair photos in my blog, you can upload to Image shark and post the link here. I wish to see your hair loss progress after you all taking Propecia or minoxidil.


Anonymous said...

One of the best hairloss forum, you can see alot of people taking fin there, and their progress as well.

Anonymous said...

hey..i am now 20 years old..laz month i cut my hair short and i found out hairline starting to recede..after doing much research..i found out dat..propecia is expensive..but proscar is kinda cheap compare to i wonder why u not taking proscar ?

Anonymous said...

hi, i'm 25 and suffering with hair loss as well..but i'm a woman..really appreciate to have people like you who understands..till now i'm really terrified to go to any hair salon to get my hair cut..can't bear the comments..i heard about neeta's herbal..are they good? do mind to share with me..i'm considering to go there since i heard a lot of reviews saying yun nam is a scam..please help..


Jason said...


I do not know much of Neeta except it is more to Indian concept. there are ppl who give good comments of Neeta in my blog two weeks ago. You can check it up. But as you read in my blog, I am no confident of any of the hair care centre and I think they all the same.

Anonymous said...

jason,,keep writing the blog...i will owez support u

My hair condition (2 weeks after Propecia)

My hair condition (2 weeks after Propecia)

Frontal M shape

Frontal M shape