Recently, there are more local seller for Kirkland Minoxidil 5%. The price is varies among the seller. The forum seller may charge some premium as the forum system do not allow you to compare the price easily. In the other hand, website like Lelong and Ebay are creating a platform that is transparent and thus the price is more competitive.
As I have mentioned in previous post, local seller charge at least double that a US seller. You can easily see it in Ebay. The only worried for Malaysian that buys from Ebay or Amazon is the customs may impose import tax of the goods. This is not certain as there are so many local sellers. I believe some of the sellers have the opportunity to go US or Canada that allow them to buy at a much cheaper price there and bring in. Most of the sellers do not. They are bought from US seller at a cheaper price and resell to local buyer. The shipment may take a longer time and the risk of customs problem. If it is so high a risk, there will not be more and more sellers. I can assume, the profit margin plus the risk is worth for them to do the business.
One of the reasons Kirkland minoxidil has a high demand is due to the price of course. A generic minoxidil call Regro cost RM 128 in Watson. Kirkland is just a fraction of the price. Even you buy form local seller it is 60% off the price of Regro. If it is Rogaine, it is RM 180. You can imagine.
Even you can save the money to replace Propecia with Proscar. You need to split it to 4 or 5 pieces though.
We may know a lot of information, but do you willing to try is another matter. I have known Proscar will save me a lot of money, but only started to consume Proscar recently. My suggestion is try to look for more information by yourself before decided to use generic products. There may be a risk. I am not sure as well. No body can give you a certain answer. Not even the original makers.
Hair condition has been normal recently. Not much shedding and no regrowth as well. I am using Bawang shampoo now alternate with Himalaya shampoo. SO far is ok to me.