
Monday, January 19, 2009

Weekly summary - 70th week and Happy Chinese New Year

Another landmark for this hair loss blog. This is 70th week I am in Propecia medication.
However, I have been loss more hair in frontal than ordinary for a few days. Mature hair and some miniature hair. I notice it when I washed my face in the morning. There are some hair on my forehead because of my oily skin.
So, my forehead frontal is definitely in danger now.
I have started to massage my scalp when I wash my hair with shampoo. I also massage my scalp at night for several minutes. I hope it will help a little bit.
Besides, my libido has not been not so good since last week. Not really know what happen again.
Hair loss and libido both has been worse than previous week.
Chinese new year is coming. I wish all of my Chinese follower of this blog Gong Xi Fa Choy. Stay strong in fighting economic crisis and also hair loss.


Anonymous said...

Hello Jason,

I haven't been here in quite a while and I'm glad to see you're still blogging.

I am curious to know, after 70 weeks, do you think your your hair has been "maintained" overall?

I know you talk about, losing hair in a particular week or day (I notice a lot of people doing this online, but I don't understand it...we all lose a lot of hair every can a person tell if you lost 20 hairs, 50 hairs, 7 hairs...maybe you just noticed more, or more came out at a certain time!).

But OVERALL, do you think your hair has:
1.grown back a little
2.stayed about the same
3.lost hair but maybe more slowly than you would have without propecia
4.propecia didn't do anything

It sounds like you're saying either 2 or 3?

And thanks again for writing candidly about your experiences!

Anonymous said...

for your oily hair i think you can try ketoconazle (nizoral/decor) 2% and then the oily hair should be no problem. And then for the frontal hair and the crown area you an combine regro and propecia. Hopefully it will work well.

Jason said...


You are right. The overall condition is about 2 to 3 as you describe.
However, I report as what it happens every week as it is a weekly diary type blog. I will report out what it really happen that particular week.

Thanks for reading this blog

My hair condition (2 weeks after Propecia)

My hair condition (2 weeks after Propecia)

Frontal M shape

Frontal M shape