
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Weekly summary - 238/239th week -- Back again!!!

I am back again, I mean for reverting back Propecia plus Rogaine regime.
The hair loss that I suffered during the recent weeks when I stop taking Propecia make me feel I may better continue with Propecia for a longer period. Maybe forever!? I am not so sure as well.
I did feel some side effects gone away slowly but you may ask why I want to suffer and endure the sides effects again. Well, obviously, I am concern of my hair that I gained these few years and not willing to let these hairgone away so soon.
And the last thing I wish and may be given me some green light of this decision is I can recover my libido bit by bit slowly but not 100%. I think may be I can gain back my libido if I stop the medication next time.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Weekly summary - 236/237th week -- More hair loss?

Seeing more hairloss than the days with Propecia is worrying. I think I loss 50% more hairs when I wash my hair than the days with Propecia. This is not a coincidence of the days of sheddings.
Yesterday, I took back Propecia medication but I only have 3 tablets of Proscar that will last may be a half month. I am still not sure will I discontinue with Propecia since I can see the difference now. Seems like Propecia is the foundation while minoxidil is the catalyst to grow our hair.
I will monitor my current condition before I made up my mind.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Weekly summary - 234/235th week -- More hair loss?

May be I have loss more hair after I stop taking Propecia for almost a month now. I hope it is just a false sign instead a true one. Else, it just prove that Propecia do play an important role on my hair loss.
I feel my libido has somehow recover a bit but the penis erection is not hard as prior the days I have taken Propecia. It is a positive sign and I hope it will continue to improve. I still recall there are days my libido is quite good but it did not last long. After a month, I am back to a low libido. Also, even I am in Propecia, my libido was actually good initially but drop after 2 months and continue to up and down but remain at a lower libido level than my normal self (which mean prior Propecia).
Guys, I have create a Android apps and hope you guys can try it out and feedback to me.
Regarding the purchase of Rogaine from, I will find a time to do a research of the seller. I think may be Monsterdeals is the only choice. May be we have to bear with it although he may slack a bit sometimes.

My hair condition (2 weeks after Propecia)

My hair condition (2 weeks after Propecia)

Frontal M shape

Frontal M shape