
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Weekly summary - 293/294/295/296th week -- Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant (HT) is never a cheap solution for hair loss treatment. This is why so many people still stuck with Rogaine and Propecia combination treatment.
Recently, I did so quick online reserach of some faous Hair Transplant treatment around Kuala Lumpur area. One of my readers did post in my Week 104 about his quotation of HT at Damai Hospital. The charges is around RM30k to RM40k and he was advice for 2 sessions. You can expect it cost you at least almost a Toyota Vios. Of course, the charges is about the severity of your hair loss and I have no comment since he did not post a photo, but the main message is , it will definitely over RM20k.
Here are the famous 3 clinics that provided HT in KL area:
1. Damai Service Hospital
2.  Berverly Wilshire Medical Center
3. Mediviron UOA

Please note that even after the HT, we still have to take Propecia for a period to see the effect of hair loss.

Consider for HT? Or continue with the current treatment? Hope to hear from you.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Weekly summary - 289/290/29/292th week -- Hopeless like Malaysia

5th of May 2013 is the darkest day of Malaysia democracy. The dirtiest General Election ever. The dirtiest tricks that country like Britain and America can not imagine.
Fine, it is acceptable if it is a fair election but since it is not, I do not know how well it represent the true Malaysian voice.
I fell hopeless.
May be it is just like bald man like me. It hope to grow more hairs with all sort of effort but my hair still in the same condition or may be just a little bit of hair growth. Hopeless.....
Do not know what I want to express, just cry in sober.....

Monday, April 8, 2013

Weekly summary - 286/287/288th week -- Risk of taking off Propecia

I just read a post from hair loss help forum that discuss of the risk of quitting Propecia or Finasteride.
Many of us who taking Propecia will afraid the consequences not only before we taking it but if one day, we want to stop to take the medicine.
Old question that in our heart most likely, when you quit Propecia:
1. Will I lost my hair? Definitely or most likely Yes
2. How soon will I lost my hair? It depends from weeks to month, some shedding very much, some said not much different.
3. Can you use Rogaine to substitute Propecia once you stop it? Most likely not but I guess it helps.
4. Will I regain libido once I stopped? Most people will said yes but there are people that never recovered. The plus side is there are people who never lost their libido with or without Propecia, so which story you listen?
5. Will I loss my libido? If you never feel a decrease of libido when you are with Propecia, you may be affected.
6. Are your sperm still healthy after many years with Propecia? I am unsure since some said if affects lower sperm count (which I think is likely) but some claim (Merck is one of it) your body will reversible to affect. So once you quit, you are likely to be normal back but everything is just possible.

In the end, no conclusion. SO many possibility and I just think, why I am bald and not the majority guys....

My hair condition (2 weeks after Propecia)

My hair condition (2 weeks after Propecia)

Frontal M shape

Frontal M shape